Tuesday, January 31, 2012

ANC 51: perfect imperfection

227. The 100 percent perfect ...

A world with perfection will be very desolate. There'll be no more doctors smiling and kindly helping to improve patients' health, no more students learning new, interesting things in life, no more engineers to fix problems in different technology, no more researchers to look for facts and flaws in knowledge we have on discoveries, and no more purpose in life because perfection is already achieved. 

The beauty of perfection is that we cannot approach it in any way. Like a diamond looking precious out of hands but looking like a dull jewelry when possessed, perfection is looked up because it is beautiful when it is not achieved. 

Because everything is imperfect, we share love, care, worries, happiness, sadness with one another. When everything is perfect, there's no need to remove or add anything. Perfection does not need any of these expression and feelings from others because it is perfect. But in return, if there were none of these feelings, what would make anything perfect? Without these feelings, there's no friends, no family, no supporters, and so on. Perfection is absolute. There is no requirement of anything. 

We try to achieve perfection. But the fact that we cannot achieve perfection however much we try is what makes us perfect altogether. Because patients are imperfect in health, doctors give help. Because doctors are imperfect, they continue to study with new discoveries about our body found by researchers and biologists. To help these researchers and biologists are engineers developing technology. In order to develop engineering skills are schools, colleges, and universities. 

Because everything is interdependent and imperfect, our world is perfect. 


  1. Its interesting about how you think our world is perfect. With all this chaos and disorder everywhere in almost every country I appreciate how you looked at our world from a different perspective. However, in your writing above, I think you should explain more on your oxymoron that is saying that "everything is interdependent and imperfect so our world is perfect." I somehow did not catch that connection.

    1. thank you for the comment Pauline ;)

      Well, there are so many thoughts in my mind, but I just can't put into words haha..

      But basically I was trying to say that if we can't even picture "perfect world" and if the "perfect world" we imagine is a world without any problems, then there is no point of us living in this world. We live to progress; we learn, we experience, we study, we get jobs. If world is perfect, why do we do all these?

      I feel world being perfect is more scary than world being imperfect.

  2. You're right. There's nothing perfect in this world and that's good somehow. But as Pauline said, I wouldn't say that this world is perfect because it is imperfect. I would rather say this world is imperfect and that is okay.

    1. Hmm.. Honestly, I like the way you put it. This world is imperfect and that is okay. But in addition to that, I wanted to also say that it won't be okay if the world is perfect, because if it is, there will be no need of millions of people including me studying, caring others experiencing, and living.

    2. oh and thank you for your comment :p

  3. I really like the way you have you have said that perfection is not as good as it seems. (Especially the part that says about the diamonds. It really is true!)And I agree with that part where you say that it is because of perfection that we keep on moving and changing in life. But as the above two comments say,I don't understand how you call imperfection perfection. I mean, look around you, do you find anything perfect? Even if there is interdependence, there are so many people who don't care about the needy and the environment and so on. There is so much corruption everywhere around the world. Do you think that you can depend on anyone?

    1. Ashima, thank you for the comment.
      I do understand that you don't quite agree with me. I would say that this article was one small piece out of many thoughts I had over the years.
      But one thing I want to ask you is.. Do you know how "perfect world" will be? Well, in your comment itself, I find flaws. You seem to say that because there are people who don't care a bout the needy and the environment, the world is not perfect. But if the world is perfect, first of all, there won't be any needy, and environment will have absolutely no problem. Corruption? well, if the world is perfect, there would be no wars, there would be no need for governance as well.

      I call imperfection of our world as perfection because through imperfection we try to achieve perfection. If there is perfection existing in our world, there will be no progress, no effort, no purpose of living.

  4. I think this is a very creative piece of work! Your perspective is very interesting and your writing is really in -depth! I love the way you ended it as well- very cool!

  5. I agree with Bidushi. I really like the way you ended the last sentence; it left us with something to think about. The idea of the world being imperfect is true because we live to try to make it perfect. Though I feel that it is theoretically and physically impossible to attain, the thought of having a perfect world makes us strive for that 100 percent perfect.

  6. The idea of perfect imperfection is really interesting, however, perfect imperfection is also something not possible because there is nothing perfect. There should be some flaws in the imperfection that makes it imperfect. Such flaws are maybe something close enough to perfection, but not exactly perfect.

  7. i agree with your idea of perfection, after all its not an achievement to reach perfection, once you get it you can only go down from there. i thought it was interesting that you started the post by mentioning doctors
