Friday, December 30, 2011

ANC 19: Rival

55. Discuss an important personal relationship you have had and explain how it has changed your life.

I had a close friend's elder sister called KM once thought to be my rival. Initially, the elder sister was my closest friend. She studied in the same school as I did for 4 years. When we first got to know each other, we realized how similar we were. We both shared the desire to strive towards being the best. But after some time at school, she started having her own group of friends since she was studying in two grades higher than I was. And I had my own group of friends, getting closer to the younger sister. Our friendship slowly deteriorated and soon developed into a rivalry. 

KM and I had an invisible war with each other. Both of us were the best two people in every activity at school: running, skipping, studying, and so on. I used to get the first prize in running, and she used to get the first prize in skipping. And studying couldn't be really compared since we were in two different grades. But there was one thing at which I was better than she was: music. It was obviously natural that I was better than her in music since my mom was a music teacher. But she was not an easy-going rival. She learnt piano from my mom and caught up with my skills really quickly. Having rested one year of playing piano (I was fed up of piano at some point that year), I realized that if I don't practice now, I will no longer be the best. From that very moment I heard her play the same music piece I last played, I practiced piano like a crazy musician. Realizing that I am trying my best to be better than her, she tried her best too. The competition was a very hard, rough one. 

This spark of competition led me to do my best in other fields as well. I studied harder and participated in lot more activities. But one day, something hit me. Both of us had to leave the school we were attending and move to different schools. Once we were separated, I wondered what I would compete for now. But I remembered that somewhere on this earth, she'll be doing her best. I thought that I should do my best wherever I am even if my rival is no longer visible to me. After all, I learnt, she is not the only rival. So many students out there on earth, in different places, are competing with each other. 

My rivalry with KM was in fact the most important personal relationship I had to promote me work harder and do my best. Rivalry might be thought as a negative personal relationship by many people, but it is truly the most important element of relationship to tighten the bond between people, just like how KM and I are still bonded to compete our efforts for the best as long as we are on this earth. 

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