Tuesday, December 20, 2011

ANC 9: University

187. People attend school for many different reasons (for example, expanded knowledge, societal awareness, and enhanced interpersonal relationships). Why do you want to attend university?

Having been complimented by people for friendliness, I had once thought of myself as a pensive, mature high school student. Traveling alone, taking care of the house most of the time, and studying without anyone's force, I believed that I was responsible compared to any other juvenile people of my age who depend on their parents.

The day I reached my new high school, I saw the oncoming eclipse of my immature lifestyle compared to the others. Boarding school was a new experience to me; I found students cooking, unpacking from big bags, cleaning rooms, studying, and so on. Soon I realized that life here is much more independent than the one I had so far. With different people from different places, speaking different languages, eating different food, this place looked like small yet another independent society.

Whether we are experts in a particular place or not, we should realize that there are much more things to learn and experience outside our zone. I may have been a little more mature compared to the people in a day-scholar school, but I clearly am not the most independent, mature kid in this world. Nevertheless, I can increase my independence and maturity by actually experiencing more in different places. University is a place full of students who put their efforts from different ways in different aspects. That is the next place to learn more and be a good human once I graduate high school.

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