Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Challenge 22: Helpless

124. What outrages you? (Wake Forest)

I can always try to deal with situation by controlling my anger. But there's one thing that I can never stand: seeing my beloved ones hurt. What outrages me is that I cannot do anything when I see my friends and families suffer and know what their problems are.

I've seen my mom cry first time when she told me that life is so hard and heavy. Seeing my hero of life cry and put down, I was shocked at first. I knew what my mom was going through. Of course, I wouldn't have been able to understand her completely, but I knew that she was going through so much of work, taking care of me, earning money, working in office, serving God through ministry, and so much more. The fact I am her daughter and is helpless to make things work out for her made me really angry. I couldn't earn money nor work in office nor work in churches. On top of that, I was the one making trouble, making my mom worry about me all the time.

My mom always helped me grow physically and mentally, providing all the things - experiences, environment, and education - I required in life. She showed her love towards me in all possible ways. Yet, I couldn't do anything for her. It makes me feel as if I am helpless. I felt so dumb that I couldn't do anything for my beloved ones. With years of education to help others, I know that I should help, I am willing to help, but I just "can't." That is the worst thing that outrages me. 

1 comment:

  1. Good! You're one of the first students to respond to this question properly. If you were to expand on this, you would have to write about another person or two as well as expand on your mother.
